Our Orthodontist in Beaufort, SC, Gives Advice On Common Braces Issues

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Our Orthodontist in Beaufort, SC, Gives Advice On Common Braces Issues

There are potential issues you can run into while wearing braces. The wires, the brackets, the bands, the spacers…there are so many parts involved! If something goes wrong, it’s ideal to make an appointment with our orthodontist in Beaufort, SC, for repairs and to check that everything is properly in place. However, in the meantime, there are some steps you can take to handle problems until your appointment:

#1: What To Do If Your Wire Breaks

If your wire breaks, it is no longer effective in moving your teeth. It’s imperative that you make an appointment with our orthodontist to fix this issue. However, a broken wire is usually painful or annoying, as the wire may poke into your cheek or gums and create a sore.

Until you see our orthodontist, try pushing the wire back up with a pencil to secure it. If this doesn’t work, use a bit of orthodontic wax to cover the end. If the wire has already created a sore, rinse with antiseptic or saltwater to prevent infection. Never try to cut the wire yourself.

#2: If Your Bracket Becomes Loose

Brackets tend to come loose after eating things that you’re not supposed to, like crunchy or chewy foods. There is a layer of resin covering your tooth that the bracket is set on, and these tough foods can disrupt the stability of the resin. The bracket may move or break as a result.

Make an appointment with our orthodontist in the case of a broken or loose bracket. In the meantime, you can use some orthodontic wax to cover the bracket to prevent it from poking your cheek or tongue.

#3: What To Do If Your Spacers Become Loose

The intention of spacers is to create gaps in your teeth for bands to be placed. If your spacers become loose or fall out, make an appointment with our orthodontist. It is likely that you’re ready to have your bands put on!

Contact Our Orthodontist in Beaufort, SC, for More Information or to Schedule an Appointment!

The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other orthodontics-related topics, feel free to contact Miler Orthodontics by clicking here or by calling 843-379-9200.

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